20 years of running a successful garden and landscape art business has given Perth sculptor Andrew Taylor the knowledge and practical tools necessary to create his detailed and unique mixed media sculptures.
The figurative pieces are allegorical in nature inviting the viewer to create meaning as they wish. Using a range of metals and techniques Andrew’s sculptural works are a testament to both his workmanship and his aesthetic skills.
Enjoy Getting to Know Andrew Taylor ….
When did you first feel the desire to be artistic and realize you had talent?
I have always created, as a child I was fascinated with design and function in particular involving flight and floating vessels. I was fortunate to have supportive parents and one particular teacher who fed my creative urge.
It wasn’t really a matter of realizing I had talent, it was just how I viewed the world and I didn’t really know any differently.
Where did you learn your art?
With all the creative support art was just a perspective, my view of the world. Teachers and education formed the central core, listening and reading about process and purpose fed the passion.
Over the years it became a fundamental desire to understand why and how something happens and the consequence.
What inspires you most?
Inspiration comes from observation and curiosity. Life itself – work, family, friends and all the emotional highs and lows – is more than enough as a source of inspiration.
What message are you sending to the viewer of your art?
My work is a conversation I have with myself and perhaps it’s more like the crazy man standing on the street corner. If others respond and find their personal voice through it then that is wonderful.
Describe your studio
Our house is full of creative souls, my studio is many spaces and function varies from the chaos of the machinery workshops to kitchen table – in a similar state of chaos.
Where possible I choose to work with my family around me – Laura my wife is ridiculously tolerant.
Describe your typical day of creating art
Typical day starts at dawn, beyond that life takes over. With a business to run, I create in captured moments but realistically it is always going on in the background.
I write and draw notes when I have to focus on other tasks and often run processes between jobs. The creative day runs as long as it needs to, I don’t stop if I am on a roll because my mind won’t let me.
What mediums do you use and why?
Mediums include metals, timber and stone. Over the years I have developed a process similar to cold casting metals but avoiding resins. Materials are chosen for their raw essence and the story they provide, I personally believe that the whole piece should come from my hands and so I create ways to make it happen.
What are you working on now?
The sculptural pieces I’m working on now explore the scientific links between our emotions and astronomical phases. The conversation continues, it is an exploration – perhaps selfishly, it steers its own course.
What are your recent career achievements you feel proud of?
I am proud that I have established a garden and landscape art business that has been successful now for more than 20 years. My work is in homes and businesses throughout WA and internationally. The most notable recent career achievement however is making the choice to finally step beyond the business and start creating work that has a personal voice. This is just the beginning.
What do you love most about what you do?
The light bulb moment when realisation hits you and you sit back and say ‘Yesssss’.
Where can you see yourself in 10 years time?
10 years – well life and family lead the way and I wouldn’t have it any other way. We have plans but the reality is life sets the course so I will create, push and enjoy.
Andrew’s creative voice finds its way into the world in many different forms. 20 years of running a successful garden and landscape art business has seen Andrew design and make unique water features and metal wall art giving customers an alternative to the mass produced option. His progression into figurative sculpture has given Andrew an outlet to explore and express the scientific links between our emotions and astronomical phases. He is fascinated with the emotional narrative and many of his sculptures are themed around his personal journey, appreciating the value of the creative process as a means of self reflection. His sculptures are aimed to trigger an emotional response rather than to be taken as literal depictions.
Andrew Taylor has been creating for most of his adult life. For the last 20 years he has made a business out of garden and landscape art, offering an alternative to mass produced water features. Andrews designs are individually created, starting as a concept drawing or painting, and reflect elements of Western Australian lifestyle and culture. Metal wall art has also played heavily in Andrews creative journey, and his designs are unique, stylish and captivating. Early in 2015 Andrew split his business and created ‘Ebb in Time’ returning to his roots in sculpture and with a fascination for kinetic art he created clocks and pendulums which then progressed to boats and finally figurative sculpture.
In early 2017 Andrew began a series themed around his personal journey and the value of the creative process as a means of self-reflection. “I am fascinated with the emotional narrative, the ability to tell a story through aesthetic clues – positions, numbers and materials. My pieces should not be taken as literal depictions. Their aim is to trigger an emotional response where the viewer can feel a familiarity with the scene.
The sculptural pieces I’m working on now explore the scientific links between our emotions and astronomical phases. The conversation continues, it is an exploration – perhaps selfishly, it steers its own course.
Mediums include metals, timber and stone. Over the years I have developed a process similar to cold casting metals but avoiding resins. Materials are chosen for their raw essence and the story they provide, I personally believe that the whole piece should come from my hands and so I create ways to make it happen.”

Sold Sculptures by Andrew Taylor

We currently have no sculptures by Andrew Taylor available at JahRoc Galleries.