JahRoc Galleries were first contacted by this special customer late 2014 via a web enquiry from Dubai as he was searching for the right creatives to be involved in a Perth project he had in the pipeline. We were first commissioned to build him a wooden Malibu surfboard, not to be taken out into the big waves… but to be suspended from the ceiling and to have down lights embedded into it.
Our first reaction:
“What on earth would someone want to cut holes in a beautifully crafted wooden surfboard that has all the specifications to be able to take it out and surf incredible waves?”
Well, this guy had a vision…. a very creative one at that. After making the move to Perth, he and his brother-in-law set about gutting the existing room and piece by piece created a room no-one could have imagined from the outset. Together they built a “Wave” designed ceiling…. and it then made perfect sense to have a wooden surfboard light hanging from it.

This customer is also a passionate guitar player and collector. As an admiror of beautiful objects, he needed his collectable guitars to be resting on something as beautiful as they are. His first choice was the Designer Timber Guitar Stand, where he has placed one either side of the bar, and with clever use of downlighting these frame the bar and are highlighted very nicely.
With a couple of other guitars to take out of hiding, Gary was then commissioned to come up with a different design for these 2. With the obvious wave and surfboard theme already in place, Gary came up with a couple of very unique guitar stand ideas. The Dolphin Timber Guitar Stand and the Wall Guitar Holder were born. Both stands were made with a template on hand of the guitars that would be sitting in them – so the fit would be perfect.
Here are a few words received after taking delivery of the 2 new Guitar stands:
Just got back from Scotland and hung the stand last night.
What can I say, both pieces are brilliant.
I don’t know how or where you get your inspiration from but to come up with what you did is breathtaking. You have made my room even more unique and I am over the moon with my new JahRoc additions.
The photos I sent don’t really do them justice, but in the context of the room.
They are perfect.
Hope you are both catching some good waves over there and catch you soon.
Cheers, Paul
And how amazing does the bar area look!!!
He had this idea…
And he pulled it off with great finesse. He went to great lengths to source the right coloured onyx and installed back lighting behind it which illuminates the room and creates a lovely ambiance conducive to soulful guitar playing and socialising.
A groovy, comfortable and uniquely designed bar stool was in order to set off this bar area. The Montgomery Bar Stools were the perfect choice as they swivel 360′ allowing bar interaction plus pool playing barracking…. and wow they look good.

Some kind words after the delivery of the Montgomery Bar Stools:
Gary and David,
The stools have arrived and once again you have exceeded all expectations.
The quality and craftsmanship you guys have delivered is totally world class.
Every piece crafted has been of the highest standard and cannot wait to see my room next week once everything is complete.
Joanne and Lara, you both have been superb and a great asset to your unique business in Margaret River.
Oh and thanks for the wine. Hopefully we can drink this together once the bar is finished.
Cheers, Paul
This visionaries quest for excellent design and craftsmanship did not stop with his choice of Jah-Roc Furniture but extended to every detail in this room. Gary even designed and made creative pelmets for the windows using Marri timber in a wave design. Everywhere you look is finished with creative thought and skill.
When it came to finding a pool table Gary was asked if he knew anyone who made something a bit different to the traditional designs out there. Get in touch with Rob from Quedos Australia was Gary’s suggestion, as his designs are unique and workmanship second to none. The resulting choice of pool table is the perfect fit and with the stunning Wooden Surfboard Light beaming down on it… well that is something else.
To our lovely friend Paul,
It has been a pleasure watching every step of the way from the mere beginnings of your “Man Cave”, “Music Room”, “Entertainment Room”, “Hub of the Home” evolution.
We admire your quest for excellence in all of your choices, that indeed extend much wider than this room, but is part of who you are. We have greatly enjoyed getting to know you and your family and look forward to many more catch up’s.
The JahRoc team
9′ Gun Malibu Wooden Surfboard Light

Designer Timber Guitar Stand

Dolphin Timber Guitar Stand

Timber Guitar Wall Hanger

Montgomery Bar Stools