Have a look at these photos taken by Gary and Lara’s son Frank Bennett.
Some of our customers may remember getting a piece of JahRoc Furniture delivered by Gary or Dave in this Dodge Truck in it’s hey day. It was part of the business for over 22 years and did many journey’s to Kalgoorlie and Perth for furniture shows where the guys used to stack it to the maximum weight full of JahRoc Furniture and show their wares. It would also be seen in the York Christmas parade each year dressed up in tinsel and Father Christmas along with the then young kids.
It served us well in the move from York to Margaret River carrying it’s loads, failing Gary a few times, but most memorably the trip back from Geraldton carrying a tad too much weight (the rammed earth gear he borrowed to build the Margaret River workshop) when she blew a couple of tyres in the middle of the night and had to have a piggy back home by a tow truck.
Well she came to a sad end in the 2011 Margaret River fires. Now nestled in the bush happily rusting away, a relic of the past blending in with the new growth around her.