Gary Bennett of Jah-Roc Furniture has combined his love of surfing with his passion of making beautiful objects out of wood and has been making wooden surfboards for a few years now. Gary had been riding various boards made by Jim Banks and over the years they formed a friendship that eventually led Jim Banks talking about his long term wish to make one of his own shaped boards out of timber.
So the project began….and the first wooden surfboard they chose to make was a 9ft Gun using solid Jarrah timber, which was recycled from the York/Greenhills rail bridge.
The project name was formed “Always Offshore” – read more about this collection here…
After that came the 7’6″ Hollow Sheoak Surfboard which Jim Banks also had a hand in making. The 6’2″ Fish Surfboard, and the 7’2″ Fish Hybrid Surfboard.
These stunning hollow wooden surfboards feature striking native timbers such as Australian Red Cedar, Queensland Silver Ash, Western Australian Sheoak, Jarrah and Marri.
Along with the surfboards, Gary has also developed a range of surfboard inspired furniture designs.
These wooden surfboards have been admired by many at JahRoc Galleries, Margaret River. Art collectors, surfers, and fellow surfboard makers have taken note of these beautifully crafted surfboards and Gary Bennett is becoming known as a Wooden Surfboard Maker, with these works of art being highly collectable pieces.

These photos show Jim Banks and Gary Bennett making the 9ft Solid Jarrah Gun Surfboard

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